Educational Model
The educational demands of the social and global context pose new challenges to institutions in the training of people. This translates into a collective reflection with the multiple stakeholders of the educational community. Through these stakeholders, we have analyzed the national and international challenges in tertiary education and the strengths and opportunities of our internal management, thus reviewing the validity of the educational guidelines and making adjustments that allow maintaining and improving the educational services provided to the community.
UNAB proposes an educational model reflecting the institutional mission. In other words, as a university institution, we seek to provide comprehensive education, enhancing diverse knowledge and skills focused on our students and their learning.
This document results from reflection, learning, and maturation of educational experiences throughout our history. It presents the pillars of our educational model and the set of guidelines that model what the institution understands as its work of educating to transform.

Internal Quality Assurance System
Universidad Andrés Bello’s Quality Assurance System is the strategic management tool that aims to determine, plan, execute, evaluate, and redesign the constituent elements that guarantee compliance with the institution’s quality goals and guidelines.
The system is composed of a set of guidelines and tools that work together to establish the objectives and interests of the University to improve periodically in each of its mission functions.
Likewise, it is the mechanism through which UNAB manages, develops, controls, and monitors its quality guidelines and intentions, which originate from the Quality Policy. In this sense, it seeks to ensure the faithful fulfillment of the expectations and needs of the multiple stakeholders, articulating the necessary strategy and support to achieve effective and efficient training, research, innovation, and community outreach, in harmony and homogeneity with the various levels coexisting in the institution.
The Internal Quality Assurance System is developed for strategic, mission, and support processes and replicated in each academic level, modality, and location.

National Accreditation
From the start of the Chilean Higher Education Quality Assurance System, the University has voluntarily and systematically undergone five institutional self-evaluation and accreditation processes, achieving outstanding results in each of them.
Currently, UNAB is institutionally accredited by the National Accreditation Commission of Chile (CNA) for six years, at an excellence level.
It was the first non-traditional private university in Chile to become accredited in the research area.

International Accreditations
In line with the institutional value of excellence, Universidad Andres Bello chose to accredit its quality internationally to demonstrate its capacity for self-regulation and continuous improvement to comply with international quality standards.
To this end, UNAB applied to the prestigious Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) to accredit the quality of its educational project in the United States. After a demanding application and review process, the University obtained initial accreditation in 2015 for five years (2015-2020).
During 2018 and 2019, the University worked collaboratively to renew its international accreditation, implementing an extensive self-evaluation work across all sites and campuses, which concluded with submitting to MSCHE the Self-Study Report, which demonstrates UNAB’s compliance with the Standards for Accreditation and Affiliation Requirements defined by the US-based accreditation agency.
Today, UNAB has achieved ratification of its international accreditation for 2020-2028 and works yearly to comply with the systematic review policies and procedures that MSCHE has defined for the institutions it has accredited throughout the world.

Accreditation of Careers and Programs
As with institutional accreditation, since the creation of the Higher Education Quality Assurance System, the University has developed systematic processes of self-evaluation and accreditation of its undergraduate, master’s, medical and dental specialties, and doctoral programs.
More than 90% of UNAB’s students are currently enrolled in careers accredited and certified by the corresponding organizations and accrediting agencies.

National and International Rankings
Universidad Andrés Bello is recognized by prestigious national and international rankings in line with its international seal of excellence.
The following infographics summarize the main results obtained: