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Happening at UNAB
In the latest version of the evaluation that measures performance in research, innovation, and social impact, Universidad Andrés Bello obtained 5th place at the national level and was positioned among the 50 best in Latin America. In addition, it is among the top 10 universities in the country in 11 areas, including Energy, Veterinary Medicine, and Dentistry.

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UNAB in Numbers

More than 63.000 students and 136.000 graduates.

63 undergraduate, 38 master’s degree, and 14 doctoral programs.

1st position in Chile in Times Higher Education Impact Ranking 2024.

Among the four best universities in Chile according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2023.

4 place in Chile In articles indexed in Web of Sciences and Scopus

15 disciplinary research centers.